
Time Stretching

Mastering Time Stretching Techniques for Advanced Audio Production

Welcome to the intricate world of advanced time stretching techniques in music production. If you’re an experienced producer, you already know that time stretching is not just a tool—it’s an art form. It’s the key to unlocking new realms in sound design, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. In this deep dive, we’ll explore the …

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music sampling

A Guide to Music Sampling: How to Legally Use Other Artists’ Work in Your Production

Music sampling has been a vital part of the music production landscape for decades. This practice involves taking a snippet, or “sample,” from an existing piece of music and incorporating it into a new creation. Sampling has been used to create some of the most iconic tracks in history. However, using other artists’ work in …

A Guide to Music Sampling: How to Legally Use Other Artists’ Work in Your Production Read More »

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